You’ve done a thorough articulation assessment and /s/ blends are in need of some remediation! I’ve got you covered!
First of all, if you’re in therapy right now and you’re thinking, I need some /s/ blends stat!, then scroll on down to my free lists of /s/ blend words.
But, you should know that I have some really nice, quality materials that target sound blends with /s/ as well. Just think, you’ll never have to fly by the seat of your pants and rush to search for words again because you’ll already have your materials ready-to-go. Best of all, most of my materials are low or no-prep!
Phonology or Articulation?
One of the first things you need to ask yourself is whether or not this is an articulation impairment or a phonological disorder? Is your student struggling with all blends and clusters? That’s a phonological process. You probably want to consider using the cycles approach for speech therapy if there are more than a couple phonological processes in your child’s speech.
My Cycles for Phonology Toolkit – Assessment, Progress Monitoring, & Intervention product gives you everything you need to informally assess, plan, and treat phonological disorders. The physical product is gorgeous when you’re done, but if you don’t have that kind of time, there is a digital version as well!
High Frequency Words
I strongly believe in using high frequency words for articulation practice. There is nothing worse than targeting an obscure word in therapy, just because it happens to contain the right sound. How is that relevant to our students?
But, when you pick high frequency words, now your students are hearing and practicing their sound all day long!
That’s why I created my No Prep Articulation Activities Using High Frequency Words for S and S Blends product. You’ll find all the easy, no-prep worksheets and words you need to target words with /s/ blends at the word, phrase, sentence, and conversation level.
Make it into a game!
There are a ton of different ways you can quickly turn any targeted practice into an engaging articulation game!
I like to use my Mini Articulation Cards for Speech Therapy for easy targets that I can use in just about any activity, even crafts!
The key is to come up with a simple way to make the practice just a little more enticing for the kids!
One other way I like to do this is by setting up articulation centers for my groups to rotate through. That way I get to spend a little one-on-one focus time with each of my students and they get lots of lots of repetitions! My Speech Therapy Centers for Articulation give you everything you need to set up fun stations in your therapy room. These are super versatile, so you can use them with your kids working on /s/ cluster words or any articulation sound!
Articulation Carryover and Generalization
And once you’ve gotten in lots of awesome drill, don’t forget the activities that encourage carryover and generalization, like my articulation news and articulation menus products.
That’s Great, But I Have a Client Right Now and I Need Some /S/ Blends!
I know you have ambitions to get everything together and come up with a system that you can rely on for your articulation targets. But until that day comes, here are some quick and dirty /s/ blend word lists! Read on for some examples of words with blends.
SK Blend Words List
Initial | skate | scoot | scat |
scare | scab | scam | |
Medial | ice skate | basket | whisker |
pesky | masker | ||
Final | desk | whisk | ask |
frisk | husk | risk |
SL Blends Words List
Initial | slip | slap | sleep |
slept | slab | slam | |
slippery | slow | slinky | |
sloppy |
SM Blend Words List
Initial | small | smack | smoosh |
smart | smell | smock | |
smash | smudge | smile |
SN Blend Words List
Initial | snail | snake | sneeze |
snooty | snide | sniff | |
snow | snip | snort |
SP Blend Words List
Initial | special | spare | sport |
spool | spell | spam | |
spoon | spider | space | |
spot |
ST Blend Words List
Initial | store | steak | steed |
steer | story | stall | |
steep | stop | stuck | |
Medial | duster | muster | lastly |
Final | past | must | rest |
wrist | mast | nest |
SW Blend Words List
Initial | sweep | swift | swish |
swear | swan | swim | |
swirl |
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