Work on creating compound and complex sentences with this easy-to-use, systematic resource targeting sentence combining!
Sentence combining is a research-supported skill for improving writing skills and reading comprehension in speech and language therapy. I loved using sentence combining in my therapy sessions but wanted a way to progress through the different ways to combine sentences more systematically (and with more visuals!). So, I created this resource!
In this packet, I have included 5 levels to progress your students from simpler sentence combining work (e.g., using “and” to combine sentences or embedding of adjectives/adverbs) up to more difficult sentence combining work (e.g., using relative clauses or combining sentences to tell and improve a simple story).
The levels included are:
1 – Intro to sentence combining (using “and” to combine sentences)
2 – Add a detail (embed adjectives and adverbs)
3 – Connect the ideas. (conjunctions)
4 – Create complex sentences. (relative clauses)
5 – Mixed sentence combination. (improving stories and descriptions using sentence combining)
The conjunctions targeted in this resource are: and, or, if, but, so, before, because, while, unless, and until.
Within each level (1-4), I’ve included visuals, direct teaching pages, and worksheets for practice. Every worksheet has an example of the targeted skill on the top for explicit teaching made easy!
In addition, there are editable text boxes on the worksheets so that you can easily use this resource in teletherapy or distance learning by typing the answers directly onto the worksheets.
To learn more about sentence combining skills (including example goals!), click here.
Feel free to email the Speechy Musings team at with any questions!
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