In case you haven't already, I would love for you to check out my newly updated (and FREE!) speech and language therapy goal bank. 🤩Click here to check it out!Or, ...
Recent Goals + Data Collection Articles
Write Simple and SMART AAC Goals Like a Pro!
When I first started out as an SLP, I will admit I used to reeeally overthink AAC goals. Now, I tend to use a few favorite resources and often go back to my favorite ...
Language Sample Analysis in 4 Easy Steps
Language sample analysis is really critical when initially evaluating and even monitoring progress, but they can be tedious and slow! If you read my previous post, ...
IEP Goals That Pack a Punch: Quality Over Quantity
Today I wanted to chat all things IEP GOALS with you!How many goals do you normally write for an artic only IEP? Does that number change for students working on ...
FREE Data Sheets Round-Up
This semester I'm trying to revamp how I take and keep data! To do this, I searched and searched through Teachers Pay Teachers for data sheets by other SLPs! Always ...
SLP Data Collection Techniques and Organization
SLP data collection and organization is critical, whether you are a digital or paper-based kind of SLP! I've tried to move most of my data collection and caseload ...