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Research to results, simplified

Research-backed resources that make planning easy

Unlock Unlimited Access to Every Therapy Resource—All in One Place!

Unlock Unlimited Access to Every Therapy Resource—All in One Place!

Ready to simplify your therapy planning? The All Access Pass gives you immediate access to our entire library of research-supported resources! That means every speech sound activity, AAC implementation tool, language intervention resource (with linked goals!), themed unit, and original wordless picture book is yours to use. Everything you need for meaningful, engaging therapy—all in one place. Your planning just got so much easier!

Get Access!

Here's what they're saying...

Norah / elementary SLP

Oh my gosh! Aside from the motivating topic, this resource is SO visually appealing and keeps my students engaged. It is really helping to TEACH my language impaired students a skill/concept rather than just be quizzed on it like other resources may offer. It's a nice tool to address so many skills that all of my students need...concepts, vocabulary, syntax, grammar, narrative retell. I will use this for years!

Norah / elementary SLP

Madeleine / elementary SLP

Amazing resource! I always come back to Shannon's resources because they focus so much on actually TEACHING skills and scaffolding instead of quizzing students. The different levels allows students to really work through the pages and increase their independence.

Madeleine / elementary SLP

Kelby / SLP

I can't get enough of this resource! I love how systematic it is for students and levels up throughout each unit. I have seen the fruit of this in my student's comprehension skills after only a semester of use. And to top it all off it's evidence based!! GOLD!

Kelby / SLP

Amy / 5th to 7th grade

I was in need of a good resource when targeting understanding of complex sentences. This was perfect. The visuals and layout of this resource were perfect for helping my student understand how to break down the sentence. She was able to carryover this skill to other sentences not in this resource. Highly recommend!

Amy / 5th to 7th grade

Ashley / SLP

Like all of Speechy Musings products, this is so comprehensive and clear. I love the visuals- I hung up on my wall and they are not too crowded or "fancy" to be distracting. There are also so many examples and cards, I could use them for the entire year and be set. I'm very happy with this purchase and I would call this a must-have if you are working on social language/problem-solving.

Ashley / SLP

Animal Sentence Sliders Freebie

Sign up for my email newsletter and get a FREE Animal Sentence Sliders Deck!

You'll love this Boom Card™️ deck! It's digital, no prep, targets sentence formulation, and comes with two levels! Plus, it uses silly animal photos so your students will love it too!

Welcome to Speechy Musings! 👋🏼

High-quality, professional SLP resources for busy pediatric SLPs who want to be effective at their jobs without sacrificing their personal lives.

Since 2012, Speechy Musings has focused on one mission: creating the best resources and materials that make being a busy SLP a little easier. They’re engaging, research-supported, both printable and digital, use graphics and fonts appropriate for a wide variety of ages, and target skills directly, with no fluff. You and your students will love them.

More About Speechy Musings