If you are in need of some /r/ words for your therapy right now, you’ve come to the right place! Just scroll down for my /r/ word lists!
If you’d like to stay and chat awhile about our very favorite little sound and learn more about some of my favorite evidence-based no-prep materials, then pull up a chair and join me!
Establish a solid R sound before you move on to R words
Sometimes I think we SLPs are in a rush to get to the good stuff and forget to spend the time on the establishment phase. We need to make sure that our kids can make a good /r/ sound in isolation and at the syllable level before we jump into words, phrases, and sentences. I know we are worried about getting stuck at sounds and want to hurry and generalize, but it’s important to give the sound level its due diligence!
If you need some help getting a good /r/ sound out of your students, make sure to check out my best /r/ tips, and even more /r/ tips!
High Frequency Words
When you’re ready to move on, I recommend using high frequency words for articulation practice. When you pick high frequency words, now your students are hearing and practicing their sound all day long!
That’s why I created my No Prep Articulation Activities Using High Frequency Words for R product. You’ll find all the easy, no-prep worksheets and words you need to target words with /r/ at the syllable, word, phrase, sentence, and conversation level. It’s a no-nonsense packet that will get your kids in and out the door (and in and out of therapy when they master their skills quickly and efficiently!)
Make it into a game!
There are a ton of different ways you can quickly turn any targeted practice into an engaging articulation game!
Anything can turn into an articulation game when you carefully pick your targets. Play with toys and give everything an /r/ name. Is Robby the race car faster than Russel the truck? Is baby Ruby ready for her bath?
You can also play a simple game like Duck Duck Goose and turn it into articulation practice. How about Roar Roar Run? Your kids will be racking up the trials and they won’t even realize!
My R Articulation Playing Cards – Outline + Color Printable Deck for Speech Therapy are perfect for any regular card game, but now played with /r/ targeted words!
For something even more open-ended, I like to use my Mini Articulation Cards for Speech Therapy for easy targets that I can use in just about any activity, even crafts! If you like more traditional articulation targets with pictures, these are for you!
For my bigger groups, I like to set up Speech Therapy Centers for Articulation. Everybody has a fun task that encourages them to practice their sound and I get some solid focus time with each student one on one to monitor progress and give feedback.
I like to use my Articulation Menus for /r/ for Speech Therapy to both practice words and to move on to generalization tasks. Kids love to play waiter or restaurant and order silly dishes, all while practicing their /r/’s.
Another great carryover game is”Would You Rather?” You’ll get lots of conversational /r/ practice every time you even ask anybody a question!
/R/ Words Needed Stat!
But for those days when you just need some quick words and you need them now, I’ve put together a few basic /r/ word lists for you!
Initial /R/ Words
rake | ran | rate | raise |
reach | react | revive | receive |
rise | ride | ripe | rhyme |
rose | roach | robe | roam |
ruse | roof | room | rule |
rat | raft | ray | wrap |
wreck | red | rest | read |
rickety | wrist | rib | rid |
rob | rod | rock | rot |
rub | rut | run | rust |
/R/ Blends
BR | break | brick | brush |
broom | bridge | brad | |
Braille | bran | brash | |
DR | drive | drip | drop |
drink | drone | drag | |
drum | drill | dredge | |
FR | fridge | frozen | friend |
fruit | fresh | frog | |
Fred | fries | fret | |
GR | grumpy | grandpa | grouch |
green | great | gross | |
gruff | grab | grill | |
KR (CR) | crunch | cruel | crayon |
crept | criminal | crypt | |
crank | cross | crumb | |
PR | prince | pretty | press |
pram | price | pride | |
precious | proove | praise | |
TR | truck | tricycle | trial |
trade | trust | trick | |
truth | trip | trace |
AIR words
Initial | airplane | area | arrow |
error | arrogant | ||
Medial | hairbrush | daring | sharing |
caring | staircase | fairway | |
Final | dare | care | stair |
fair | share | bear |
AR words
Initial | argue | arch | armor |
Arnold | ark | ||
Medial | bark | garden | pardon |
large | harsh | marshmallow | |
Final | car | bar | far |
mar | par | tar |
ER words
Initial | Ernie | earn | earnest |
Medial | journey | mermaid | person |
curdle | certain | jerky | |
Final | fur | her | father |
paper | were | sir |
EER words
Initial | eerie | earring | ear |
error | arrogant | ||
Medial | fearful | hearing | meerkat |
peering | searing | ||
Final | dear | gear | veer |
tear | veneer | tier |
IRE words
Initial | Ireland | iris | Irish |
ire | ironing | ||
Medial | fireman | wiring | firing |
Final | dire | fire | shire |
lyre | buyer | mire |
OR words
Initial | orange | orbit | orangutan |
order | ordinary | original | |
Medial | hornet | doorway | adorn |
forlorn | scoring | imploring | |
Final | more | poor | door |
four | shore | core |
RL words
girl | curl | whirl | squirrel |
world | Earl | twirl |
I hope that’s helpful! Good luck with those tricky /r/’s!
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