I started these references pages a while back because I wished that I could find something similar online! Something I could look back on when I got stuck, or wanted more ideas, or wanted an easy one stop shop for a particular topic! So far I’ve done dementia and dysphagia.
This time I’m taking a more child focused topic: articulation disorders.
Below are links to my favorite resources for articulation!
Teachers Pay Teachers: There are tons of articulation materials on Teachers Pay Teachers, some paid and some free. Definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already! This is my favorite website for materials because everything is super budget friendly! Click here to see my store.
Speaking of Speech: Bunches of articulation materials created by SLPs, organized by sound, and free.
Linguisystems: They have many materials for articulation and phonology including worksheets, cards, books, and more!
Super Duper: Again, a company that makes tons and tons of speech products including ones for articulation. Check out their articulation products at the link!
Say It Right: A company that has amazing materials for /r/ as well as other articulation sounds.
Super Duper: Again! This time I want to highlight Super Duper’s Handy Handouts. Click here to see all of the handouts. You can sort them to only see ones for Articulation and Phonology. Lots of great information for you & parents! Some examples of handouts on articulation are: Types of Articulation Errors – A Simple Guide, Speech Practice at Home, and Stimulability for Speech Sounds.
Testy Yet Trying: Offers free articulation cards for download.
Therapy Ideas:
Articulation Games Using Bottle Caps: Activity Tailor
Articulation Therapy Using Cariboo: Speechy Musings
A Semester’s Worth of Articulation Ideas: Speechy Musings
Using Twister for Articulation Therapy: Speech Language Pirates
Articulation Jenga: Schoolhouse Talk
Card Bowling: Consonantly Speaking
Quick and Easy Artic Craft: Crazy Speech World
Speech Club Product on TpT: Super Power Speech
Pinterest Boards:
Articulation Board by Speechy Musings
Articulation Board by The Thrifty SLP
Specifically Articulation Board by PediaStaff
Mommy Speech Therapy: The first website I recommend to others just starting out with articulation or who want simple, free materials! This website has free cards for each sound in words, sentences, and stories along with printable screeners and tons more! START HERE.
Articulation Placement Videos: From the University of Iowa. Great phonetics website where you can see videos of each sound in the initial, medial, and final contexts.
Systematic Reviews on Speech Disorders – Articles from ASHA
Speech Disorder Guidelines for Preschoolers – ASHA
Speech Disorder Guidelines for School Age Children – ASHA
Love It & List It Linky Party for Articulation Apps: Tons of blog posts about great articulation apps all in one place from Speech Room News.
Articulation Station Pro: This is my personal favorite articulation app!
Erik Raj Apps: Erik Raj is a fantastically creative SLP that has also made several articulation apps that are a ton of fun and sure to spruce up your articulation sessions.
CEU Ideas:
SpeechPathology.com: Links to their articulation/phonology/speech disorder CEU courses. All courses are available for $99 a year.
Super Duper: Offers free CEU courses. As of the date of this post (01/16/14) there was a course titled “An RTI Program for Articulation to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Caseload Size”.
Northern Speech Services: Offers many CEU seminars including ones on articulation.
Anything I should add? Please let me know at speechymusings@gmail.com so I can add it! Thanks for reading!
Linguisystems also has many free CEU courses.
Yes that’s true! Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks so much for the Schoolhouse Talk shout-out! This is a GREAT list of resources 🙂
Schoolhouse Talk!
Your website is amazing! Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I learned so much.