This year, I’m sending home speech and language bags with each student on my caseload. The kids have helped put them together for the past week or so and are incredibly invested in the idea! Check out what I put in each bag below.
My articulation bags were SO easy. To assemble them, I printed off June, July, and August calendars for each student. I stapled them together with simple directions to practice their speech words as many times as possible during the summer. Some of my older students set their own goal (e.g., Practice 60 times this summer!). For each day they practice, they can put an X on their calendar to keep track! I also included stickers for my younger students. I told them if they practice 5x in a week, they earn a sticker!
What will they practice you might be wondering? Simple. I printed off pages from my Articulation Mini Cards product and included them in their speech bags. These sheets contain 35 picture cards for each target (e.g., final /p/). My students are pretty familiar with them. For students at the phrase/sentence level, I included carrier phrases to practice with! I also printed and included pages from the following products:
Articulation Words by Theme (contains summer themed articulation words sorted by sound)
Summer Themed Speech and Language Packet (contains several b&w articulation worksheets, I left them blank for parent to fill in words from the word lists I included)
In each student’s bag was a Ziploc baggie containing 2 pieces of colored chalk, a cute note, and ideas for using chalk to target their speech sounds this summer!
I also plan to send home their working folders. There are several completed activities in each so that the student’s can continue to practice/use them at home during the summer months.
My language bags were a bit more individualized (as they should be), however were still fairly straight forwards and easy. Each language student got the same bag of chalk containing 2 colored pieces, a cute note, and ideas for targeting WH questions or associations. You can grab this printable FOR FREE here.
All of the other activities and such were individual for each student based on their goals, however below are some activities from TpT that I used A TON of for summer homework:
Summer Themed Speech and Language Packet (easy b&w printables)
Don’t Wake the Monster Bundle (great activity my students made and can play with family this summer)
Summer Preschool Parent Handouts (ideas for targeting speech and language in play)
For my students who utilize AAC, I included a list of vocabulary words the student used during a single session. I won’t be back at my school next year and thought this would help any incoming person who might see the student. I wrote words they can use independently, with minimal cues, etc… I also wrote what types of cues are most effective. I sent this home with ideas for targeting words they are most successful with! I also sent home chalk bags that I referenced in my note containing ideas for how to use chalk with their AAC systems! Easy peasy!
For all of my students, I also included their last progress note of the year in an envelope with a cute label I designed on the Avery online template system!
The colored bags I used, I purchased on Amazon. They worked great!
Hope this helps! Are your parents interested in summer homework? What do you send home?
{thanks for reading}
Such a wonderful idea! I would love to do something like this but am afraid parents would just trash everything. I hate to “waste” money. A few students and families would definitely practice and enjoy the idea 🙂
Thank you! I am lucky to be part of a school district with a very active parent community! Most parents asked for summer homework so I decided to do it for everybody! I would hate putting effort in for it to get thrown away though too!
Hey Shannon, love your ideas and the heart behind them all. I have a few artic students that don’t have their sounds well enough to practice at home. Two kindergarteners with lateralized stridents and a few students working on vocalic r. They can get their sounds with a lot of support from me, but practicing independently they just don’t have it. I worry about sending material home for practice and them practicing incorrectly. What are your thoughts?
I, personally, do not send homework home for those students because I don’t want them practicing the incorrect production over and over. Hope that helps!
Where did you find your little bags to send everything home in? Gallon size ziplock bags aren’t quite big enough to hold the papers.
I bought them on Amazon here:
Hope that helps! 🙂
I love everything about this idea! The links are oh so helpful! Thank you for the idea!
You’re welcome!! Glad it was helpful for you!
I really love this idea after trying several different things over the years. One question, do you provide any incentive for kids who return their packet?
I was not returning to this school for the following year (I was contracted) so I did not, however think that would be a fantastic idea!