I feel like I’m always targeting identifying emotions, especially related to overall perspective taking skills. I wanted a way that targeted explaining HOW they knew how somebody was feeling, not just making a random guess. I also wanted my kiddos to apply their understanding to basic social scenarios and apply their new knowledge of emotions to themselves. This packet emerged from that need and I love how it turned out! The majority of it is black and white for easy printing (other than the real pictures, which I thought were worth the extra ink!).
Eight emotions are targeted throughout the entire packet: happy, sad, angry, confused, excited, scared, surprised, and tired.
The packet contains three levels, shown below:
Level one targets identifying emotions in pictures. First, your student should look at the picture and identify how they feel. Three clip art choices are provided so you can give some extra support/choices for kiddos who need it! Then, on the bottom half of the page, the student should identify HOW they know. What does the person’s mouth look like? What about their eyes and their body?
Level two provides a basic, short social scenario and asks the student to identify how the person in the scenario might feel. Then, it challenges them to use their knowledge from level 1 to draw that emotion on the face on the left side of the page. I love asking them to describe why they are drawing the facial features they choose as they go!
The last level combines the knowledge gained in both levels 1 & 2 and work on identifying emotions in themselves. Most of the kiddos I see only use a small variety of emotions to describe their own feelings (e.g., they always say they are either “happy” or “sad”). They should identify when they feel each of the 8 targeted emotions and then draw a related picture on the bottom of the page.
There are also bonus cards included. They all come on one page so it makes for a great visual for use with the other sections as well.
If this looks like something you could use for your own caseload, click here to check it out in my Teachers Pay Teachers store!
UPDATE 9/2021: I have a new product focusing on Emotional Awareness that I think you’ll love as well!
{thanks for reading}
Jen Schroeder
Wow! I love that you included real pictures. They’re definitely worth the ink. I have been looking for real pictures and appreciate the activities that you have paired with them. The Level 2 and Level 3 activities are great too!
Sharon Swindell
Shannon ~ Thanks for such a great resource! I love the fact that it is leveled and includes real photos. I will be able to use this with my kinders through my older elementary crowd.
Your Identifying Emotions pack looks good, especially for kids with whom you’re just beginning to work. I’ve used Jenna Rayburn’s “Perspective Taking” that includes real photos as well and they are very helpful. I also just found a website with an online game called “Do You Feel Me? A game about emotions” It gives more than basic words to identify emotions with a child in a video format describing their feelings. I haven’t used it yet, but it looks very promising for some of my older kids who can handle the vocabulary.
Judy Hale
I LOVE that there are a variety of emotions included in this packet, and that there are levels, so that it is adaptable to many different students and their skills. On my wish list, for sure!
Jen K
I love this packet! I saw the movie Inside Out this summer with my own children and just loved it. I decided to decorate my classroom door with the characters this year as I had movie posters from the theater. I don’t have an official product that I use for emotions, but I love reading books to my students to talk about emotions. Your product would be a good addition!
Great work putting this pack together. I have just pulled out all of my feelings books again to get started, as part of implementing The Zones of Regulation. I often say to my colleagues – I wish someone would write a curriculum for teaching feelings/emotions. Please I have used Teaching Children With Autism to Mind Read. I would love to add your ideas to my collection but if I’m not chosen I will buy them anyway.
I really like that there are different levels in your packet. Definitely a range of abilities to understand emotions in the autism group. I have a book I got last year when I heard Temple Grandin speak (it is not by her) – The Social Skills Picture Book -Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism by Jed Baker, Ph.D. I like it because each page states a skill (e.g., Make eye contact with the person talking.) and then shows photographs to show Right Way and Wrong Way. I also like it because it gives suggestions for creating a social skills picture for a particular child and letting them pose for pictures, help assemble the book, etc.
alison weigand
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
I love the use of real pictures. I too, think it’s worth the ink!
This is adorable!!!!! What a sweet thing to give away!
Heather Hevener
I love that there are different level since I work with elementary through high school students.
D Guenther
I like the variety of activities that can work for a number of kids. The different levels for different ages or abilities is another plus. Just started with a new school and have a few students that would be great to use this with.
Carissa Speelman
I love the different levels and the real photos. Great product as always!!!
Home Sweet Speech Room
Crystal Bueno
I Love the fact that you incorporated writing activities. This is especially useful for older students working on expressive language skills.
I love how your Level 1 sheets break it down into different parts with the “how do you know?” activity! So many of my kids just rely on “he’s smiling” or “he’s frowning” and I feel like a broken record telling them to look at other features besides the mouth.
YOU WIN! Send me an email to speechymusings@gmail.com and I’ll send the packet over!
I like that you’ve created an option for students to participate in creating their visuals to support their learning goals.
What a great packet you put together! Thank you! I would love this packet because of the different levels you put together. I think it would be so helpful for my ASD kids who have difficulties with perspective taking. This would help in teaching and building upon those skills in each of your levels.
There are many things I love about this packet! First, I like that you included 3 levels to help target this skill. Second, I love that level 1 prompts the students to use different features to identify the emotion. Lastly, I think it’s really important to identify emotions on real people in real situations, so I love that this packet includes real pictures! Thanks for your hard work 🙂
Love the different levels, photographs a plus too. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Amy England
I currently use real pictures matched with Boardmaker symbols. Although my students have gotten proficient at matching the real picture to the symbol they still have trouble identifying emotions within a situation. I look forward to seeing your packet. Thanks for the opportunity of the giveaway!
This looks like a great packet! I like how there are 3 levels of difficulty. I also like that the students have to explain how they know the person is feeling that way. This is often hard for kids to explain.
What a cute packet! I love that it comes with three different levels to work on identifying emotions. The real photographs are helpful as well. I like to play a game with the kiddos where they choose a card and have to imitate the facial expression of the character on the card. The other kids have to guess which card (on the board game) matches that facial expression. Then we talk about how that person might be feeling, why, and when are some times they have felt that way. As an interning graduate student, this would be fantastic to use with my kids! 🙂
Kerry palider
This would be an awesome resource to use with my students. I love the varying levels. Social skills are often so hard to teach and this would really help.
Becky S.
I love the different levels that can be targeted with this packet! With one of my littles, we have been working on sorting pictures of emotions (photographs and drawings) into different emotions (happy, sad, and mad, as of now). He’s also been practicing making his own faces for these emotions and drawing them as well.