Have you fallen in love with my sentence sliders yet?
These digital, interactive slides (available in Boom cards, Power Point, and Google Slides format) feature beautiful, real pictures with drag and drop supports to work on your students’ goals. This digital product is perfect for teletherapy, of course, but it’s also great for SLPs using digital materials on an iPad or computer screen with their students.
Personally, I love digital materials because they take no room to store, require absolutely no prep, and look amazing without shelling out the money on color ink!
I’ve talked about my sentence sliders for spatial concepts, past tense verbs, and pronouns, but today I wanted to showcase my Simple Describing with Adjectives Sentence Sliders!
Why do we work on Adjectives?
I think we all know that nouns are the natural go-to when we are expanding vocabulary. It’s pretty easy to label things, especially motivating things like toys and food. Babies’ first words are generally nouns after all.
But we can’t stop there! We need to work on verbs – so many of our core words are action words. And, we need to work on adjectives, which set the stage for elaboration, sentence expansion, and semantic complexity.
Being able to understand and use adjectives also helps vocabulary development. With more words available for descriptions, students can have a deeper knowledge of words. A deeper knowledge results in more semantic connections, which helps with more efficient word finding.
Goals For Adjectives and Describing
When I’m working on adjectives, it is usually within the greater scope of describing.
So, the goals I might use are also ones I use for overall describing, such as these, from my IEP goal bank:
- Given a sentence starter, NAME will describe an object by its category and 1 or more additional features in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
- Given a familiar visual, NAME will describe pictures by category and two or more key attributes in 75% of opportunities.
- NAME will describe a pictured object in 3 or more ways in 8/10 opportunities given a familiar visual.
Simple Describing with Adjectives Sentence Sliders
I created my Adjectives Sentence Sliders product to provide dynamic, digital photos perfect for direct intervention.
Target WH questions, describing, adjectives, formulating simple sentences, and early syntax with this digital, drag-and-drop, sentence building activity! Because it uses real pictures and age-appropriate, simple icons, it can be used with a wide variety of students, ages, and levels!
THREE formats are included: Boom cards™️, Google Slides™️ and PowerPoint™️. Each file is 82 pages long and progresses in difficulty.
There are 20 adjectives targeted in this resource including big, sleepy, green, wet, heavy, small, sharp, dirty, colorful, bright, full, tall, round, long, red, empty, fast, shiny, and bumpy.
This resource includes 4 levels as follows:
Level 1 (20 pages)
Drag-and-drop color-coded icons, most with visuals and a color-coded sentence strip.
Level 2 (20 pages)
Drag-and-drop color-coded icons – but no sentence strip!
Level 3 (20 pages)
Drag-and-drop text boxes with words and color-coded lines. You can edit these words.
Level 4 (20 pages)
Color-coded lines you can type above.
There are also 2 direct teaching pages that explain what an adjective is.
This resource targets the following sentence structure throughout:
- WHAT + is/are + ADJECTIVE
You can move around the icons within this resource! That means you can delete them from pages and copy/paste them between pages (to add incorrect word choices, for example).
I hope this product helps you provide efficient and effective speech therapy!
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