One question I get frequently when I talk about AAC implementation is where SLPs can find a high quality, low tech AAC free core board.
I’ve been sharing these links over and over in emails to other SLPs and thought I’d compile them all in one place to make it super easy to find what you’re looking for.
I created my own low tech communication boards. These portable, low-tech flip boards are always nearby for visual supports and communication. I had too many kids coming in with dead AAC devices! It’s a great back up option and include multiple pages for more in-depth vocabulary.
If you are looking for a quick and free one page core board option, check out these other low tech communication boards.
Hopefully you can come back to this post again and again as you need some options to trial with students!

There are so many amazing websites offering these so without further ado, here’s my top picks for where to find FREE core vocabulary AAC boards:
1 – Project Core
Project Core is my favorite site for really simple boards, especially when I need core boards for students with low-vision. They even offer ways to 3D print tactile symbols!
Click here to check out the boards from Project Core! You should also consider perusing the website because they have so much helpful information.
2 – Saltillo Free Core Board
These boards are perfect as a back-up system for students using TouchChat with WordPower because they’ll match perfectly! I also love this site because in my opinion, it’s the best low-tech system for when you need a lot of symbols. They offer posters, low-tech flipbooks (that are AMAZING!), and manual core vocabulary boards. Saltillo also offers options in Spanish.
Click here to check them all out.
3 – Tobii Dynavox
Here, you can find core vocabulary boards in a wide variety of sizes starting with a 1×2 all the way up to 8×10. Again, these are great if your student uses a Tobii Dynavox device such as Snap+ Core app on the iPad or a high-tech Dynavox system.
Click here to check out their low-tech, core vocabulary based AAC boards.
4 – AAC Language Lab
This website is one of my favorite recommendations for materials that align with LAMP systems. It also has some free resources including lots of different low-tech systems! They have boards that match both WordPower and LAMP systems.
5 – Proloquo2Go
This list wouldn’t be complete without a mention to where you can get a low tech version of Proloquo2Go. While you have to make an account, the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom gives you access to low-tech versions of their app, free core board, and other helpful implementation resources.
Click here to make an account and check it out!
Last, Tech Owl AAC Community also has a ton of links for lots of different options! To be honest, I haven’t explored it a ton personally but it looks like there’s some incredible resources there too! Click here to check it out!
I hope that helps save you some time and give you a place to find your new favorite low-tech, free core board!
AAC Training: Beyond Setting Up Your Free Core Board
Great! You have a low-tech AAC option set up for your students. Hopefully they have a high-tech device with a robust vocabulary in their possession as well, or it’s at least in the works. Low-tech is great (and absolutely necessary as a back-up option!), but it’s not a complete language system.
And truly, to make AAC successful, we need an entire team behind that student. We need to train our staff and parents all of the best practices too!
That can be a lot of information, but to make it easy on you, I’ve created my super comprehensive AAC Implementation Kit, which includes everything you need to teach, coach, and challenge your staff and parents to follow research-based AAC practices! It includes tons of resources to answer all their AAC questions, handouts, and even a presentation ready for you to give!
Enjoy and as always…. stay amazing!
PS: Want more tips like this sent straight to your inbox? Sign up for my email newsletter in the box below!
Ove ploče su divne, toliko odlične za slaganje, uspostavljanje i izvođenje komunikacije.. Šteta da ih ne znam raditi, šteta da ih nemam mogućnost izraditi, Al to je stvarno odlična pomoć. Hvala i na ovome.
Google Translate: These boards are wonderful, so great for composing, establishing and performing communication. Too bad I don’t know how to make them, too bad I don’t have the ability to make them, But that’s a really great help. Thanks for this too.
Thanks Tina! You can just print them in color. When you are talking, you can point to the word as you say it, right in conversation!
Google Translate: Hvala Tina! Možete ih samo odštampati u boji. Kada pričate, možete pokazati na riječ dok je izgovarate, direktno u razgovoru!
Which core board is pictured in the photo with the implementation kit? I’ve been looking for a good board for my early intervention communicators and that one looks perfect but I can’t find it anywhere.
Great list of resources!
Hi! That is the one included in my AAC Implementation Toolkit! Hope that helps.
WeaveChat is another free website that has a variety of useful vocabulary.