One of my biggest mistakes as a newer SLP was equating "comprehension" with "text", or at least longer chunks of language including stories, articles, and paragraphs ...
Recent Sentence + Question Formulation Articles
Sentence Comprehension and Working Memory Skills
Complex sentence comprehension requires significant cognitive and working memory resources.Imagine sentence comprehension as the understanding of several smaller ...
Pronoun Activities: Time to Go Beyond He and She!
If you're like most SLPs, you are in need of some pronouns speech therapy activities! Pronouns are actually the #2 most common grammar target amongst elementary ...
Teaching Past Tense Verbs With Super Easy Digital Materials!
Teaching past tense is just one of the many tasks that come our way in language therapy. Kids with developmental language disorders frequently struggle to correctly ...
Question Formulation Maps
For many students on my caseload, question formulation, or putting words in the correct order when asking questions, is an incredibly difficult skill. I saw this ...
Mighty Monster Sentence Formulation
My other sentence formulation packets have been a hit, and I love them as well! Here is another that can be used year round with it's fun monster theme! The packet ...