Ever need a way to help increase your student’s ability to make sounds at the syllable level? I have several students on my caseload that struggle to move beyond making the sound in isolation. I made these webs and they have been an incredibly useful tool in showing my students HOW to make their sounds in CV and VC syllables.
→To use, decide if you want to target CV or VC syllables. If targeting CV syllables, start from the inner green circle. Have the child make the sound in isolation. Then, show them how to drag their finger from the inner circle to one of the vowel circles. To work on VC syllables, start in an outer vowel circle and move inwards.
In the bottom left corner of each page is a picture to help cue your child to produce the correct sound. For example, a ball is shown on the /b/ page (i.e., buh buh buh for bouncing) and a dog is shown on the /h/ page (i.e., huh huh huh for a panting dog). A table of all of these child-friendly cues is included as well!
Included is a visual for the following speech sounds: b, p, m, h, w, y, d, n, t, k, f, g, j, sh, ch, l, v, r, s, z, and th. Additionally, I included 1 blank sheet in case you want to customize it with other sounds!
I updated this packet to include three different versions for each consonant sound: the original version, a long vowel sounds version, and a short vowel sounds version.
☺One buyer said, “The best purchase I have ever made..”
Click here to read about how I teach syllable production and progress from producing sounds in isolation in my speech room using these visuals!
Feel free to email the Speechy Musings team at hello@speechymusings.com with any questions!
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