Want to work on articulation with a student 1:1, but have to see kids in groups? This articulation centers packet is the answer! Set up fun centers for kids to work on their speech sounds so no nobody is wasting precious therapy time AND everyone gets some 1:1 time with the speech therapist!
I LOVE using this system and find my speech therapy can be much more efficient and effective. With some groups, I use centers every session and for other groups I only set them up when I need some 1:1 time with students (e.g., for progress monitoring).
Included is:
- 7 center posters
- 1 blank center poster
- Race to 100 sheets (for getting in 100 trials)
- 4 articulation card sorts
- Visual cards for prep work (cutting, coloring, etc..) and movement breaks (crab walks, touch your toes)
- Sound search worksheets to use with picture books
The 6 centers I included are: 1:1 with the SLP, use the iPad, card sorts, prep work (cutting, coloring, etc..), movement activities, crafts, and finding sounds in picture books.
Please note, you will need to provide your own materials for the centers including articulation cards, picture books, crafts, supplies (markers, scissors, etc..)!
This is a super easy, basic system that leads to increased independence and ability for you to work 1:1 with students when needed!
I included app ideas, supply ideas for each center, organization ideas, and steps for implementation.
If you’re interested in seeing pictures of this product in action and learning more about how I use centers for articulation in my speech room, click here to read my blog post about this product!
Feel free to email the Speechy Musings team at hello@speechymusings.com with any questions!
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