This themed language therapy unit includes a wide variety of materials and resources for your students with language goals using a fun and engaging WEATHER theme!
In this unit, there are materials directly targeting the following areas:
- Core vocabulary (here, good)
- Basic concepts (above, wet)
- Describing (rain, sun, cloud, wind, rainbow)
- Tier 2 vocabulary (change, freeze, severe, extreme, temperature)
- Affixes (fore-, -y)
- Inferencing/predicting
- Sentence combining
- Comprehending narrative texts
- Comprehending non-fiction texts
- WH questions
- Comparing and contrasting
- Storytelling
This resource is intended to give your themed therapy material collection a boost with targeted, explicit activities, visuals, and worksheets. Think of it like a starter toolkit that will guide your therapy planning for ~2-4 weeks depending on your caseload and therapy style.
All of the worksheets include editable text boxes so that you can type directly on the worksheet on a computer. In addition, Google Slides™️ versions of the worksheets are also included!
This unit also includes a deck of Boom cards™️ that relate to many of the activities in this resource!
You also might be interested in checking out some of my weather themed extension activity suggestions on my blog! And also read up on some of the awesome benefits of theme-based therapy!
Feel free to email the Speechy Musings team at with any questions!
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