Need an easy, portable, low-tech resource for your early communicators or AAC students? Look no further!
I created these flip boards so I always had a resource to grab for visual supports and communication. I had too many kids coming in with dead AAC devices! It’s a great back up option!
I also love sending these home with parents to empower them to give visual support to their children at home!
I have included 3 versions. All contain identical vocabulary and only differ in their color coding as shown below:
1 – All blacklines, no color coding used
2 – Colored using the Modified Fitzgerald Key
3 – Colored using the model from Goossens, Grain, & Elder
NOTE: Each version of the book is 5 printable pages in length. The overall product page length is longer due to instruction pages and the inclusion of several versions.
Pages included are as follows:
Core, Core 2, Feelings, Games, Books, Conversation, Art, Food, Playdoh, and Actions.
Additionally, I’ve included “beginner” core boards. These boards are the same as the regular core boards except for there are only 10 symbols on each page. The symbols are in the same locations so it will be easy to update immediately to regular version when possible. There are 3 beginner boards included, one for each color coding system.
This product is based off of these AAC principles:
1) Motor Memory:
In this product, if a word is repeated on several pages (e.g., “open” on both books and games pages) it will be in the same place. Note how “good” and “bad” are in the same locations on the fringe pages in the last 2 preview pictures shown above.
2) Core Vocabulary:
No matter what page you are on, you have access to core vocabulary! Because it is always open, it will save time in becoming familiar with it! The icons will never move and will always be available. This will provide you vocabulary you can adapt and use with ANY activity. Get creative!
3) Limited Fringe/Specific Vocabulary:
You might be looking at this thinking, there wasn’t a page including for x, y, or z. Don’t let that hinder you! I’ve used this book with a wide variety of activities and there is ALWAYS vocabulary you can use and target. Don’t forget about phrases like “get that”, ‘up there”, or “mine”.
4) Vocabulary Selection:
I’ve chosen vocabulary on each page very selectively! I’ve included a variety of words, not just nouns. There are tons of verbs and adjectives and an entire fringe page for conversation!
I included full page versions of every page in that printing the pages that way is easier for you.
Last, I added some bonus pages for “music”, “calendar”, “community”, and “work” (vocabulary for older students who are in transition programs) in case they’d be useful for you! Enjoy!
Feel free to email the Speechy Musings team at with any questions!
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