Get ready for a simple wh question visual trick for a fun splash of color in your therapy sessions!
So many of the kids I’ve worked with have difficulty with wh questions in some form. I remember working with an AAC client in my grad school clinic. We were answering comprehension questions about books. It was difficult for her to understand the different wh-questions and how she should answer them. For example, when I say, “who,” you know to answer with a person. And when I say, “how,” you know you need to describe a process or tell me the steps. I needed a simple wh question visual to help her remember the difference between all of the questions.
I ran over to my nearest home improvement store and summoned my criminal side and took about 100 different colored paint chips! Muahahaha. I love stockpiling these and using them for all sorts of visuals and crafts!
I cut out each wh question visual and glued one on the back of a paint chip and made these! (These visuals are no longer available, but if you are looking for WH question visuals, I highly recommend my Speech Therapy Visuals for Language Skills and Strategies.)
The front looks like this…
And the back looks like this…
After we read a question, we look at the first word and find the matching flashcard. Then we flip it over and talk about how to decode the question! It’s been working out really well and provides an easier way for her to feel more independent! Sometimes a simple presentation breathes life into a basic therapy task!
You could take the visual element even further and practice finding these wh words on worksheets. Grab a marker of each color and circle the question with its designated color. Anything we can do to bring attention to the words will help!
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